Post by The Great Fulcanelli on Dec 30, 2011 6:36:12 GMT -5
So over the past 4 months I have been playing...Minecraft! An open-source sandbox game developed in Sweden, Minecraft can best be described as a combo between Dungeon Keeper, Runescape and an FPS - in that you can gain levels, delve through the earth for rare resources,and build imposing structures out of blocks while dodging monsters that seem intent on killing you. So far, here's what I've done: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/397044_10151055995320237_844700236_21818420_2011636537_n.jpgThis was an obsidian fortress that I was building in a desert, employing an architectural "style" I developed for constructions in the Nether - basically, it's amorphous, consisting of huge spires that reach to the sky. That it is black in colour also makes it look somewhat sinister-looking. I haven't finished it however, because I am still waiting for Mojang to release the next instalment of Minecraft. After which, I might return back to it. But for now I am playing a modded version of the game, and... fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/395017_10151083840900237_844700236_21957247_1483777014_n.jpgTO LET: "One donjon, complete with agricultural amenities, alchemical laboratory, libraries, boathouse, teleportation devices, lava-powered forges, opulently furnished living quarters, and a basement full of mines and monsters. How much will you pay?" What have you produced before?